
乾蔥 2顆,切碎
豆芽 一碗
青蔥 1棵,切成1寸長
豉油皇醬汁 適量
  1. 熱鍋內下適量油,慢火爆香乾蔥。
  2. 倒入麵條,邊炒邊逐步加入豉油皇醬汁。
  3. 加入青蔥及豆芽。炒勻,試味,如果不夠味可繼續加入醬汁。
  4. 炒至麵條入味,即可盛盤。

豉油皇醬汁 Supreme Soy Sauce


生抽 1/2 大匙
老抽 2 大匙
鹽 1/4小匙
砂糖 1小匙
雞精粉 1小匙
清水 1/2杯
麻油 1/4小匙
胡椒粉 少許
  • 全部材料攪拌至糖溶化即可。

輕軟芝士蛋糕 Light Cheese Cake



A: 鮮奶 60克,Cream Cheese 120克,牛油 30克

B: 低筋麵粉 20克,玉米粉 20克,蛋黃 4個

C: 蛋白 4個,幼糖 60克,塔塔粉 1/8小匙
  1. A料隔水加熱,用打蛋器攪拌至光滑無顆粒。
  2. 加入蛋黃拌勻。
  3. 同時篩入麵粉及玉米粉,拌勻。
  4. 蛋白及塔塔粉一起打至起泡,加入糖打至濕性發泡
  5. 蛋白分三次與蛋黃糊拌合。
  6. 倒入已墊紙的烤盤內。
  7. 放入已預熱好的烤箱,150度,隔水烘烤40分鐘。(溫度及時間僅供參考)



3。使用前想让鲜奶油解冻 (2 - 5°C)


5。倒在冷的搅拌缸里。(2 - 5°C)(25% 满就好)


收在(- 18°C)的结冰格里大约可收藏一个月。
收在(2 - 7°C)的冰箱里大约可收藏5天。

放在(- 18°C)的冷冻格里可收藏大约一个月。
放在(2 - 7°C)的冰箱里可收藏大约5天。


材料:250g 牛油,200-250g糖,4粒鸡蛋,以小匙vanila ,250g自发面粉(过筛),4大匙鲜奶

1 大匙可可粉,加入3大匙热水搅均

2)加入第一粒蛋 ,打至呈奶油状,每加一粒蛋都需拌打至完全均匀。
4)加入vanila 搅均

材料:250g 牛油,200-250g糖,4粒鸡蛋,以小匙vanila ,250g自发面粉(过筛),4大匙鲜奶

1 大匙可可粉,加入3大匙热水搅均

2)加入第一粒蛋 ,打至呈奶油状,每加一粒蛋都需拌打至完全均匀。
4)加入vanila 搅均

cream cheese牛油蛋糕

200g牛油,200g cream cheese,250细砂糖,5粒鸡蛋,250g普通面粉,1小匙发粉

1)将牛油,cream cheese和细砂糖打发至松白。
4)用180 。C烤约35-40分钟或至熟

牛油蛋糕的却是很油的,如果不油就不会称呼为牛油蛋糕了。目前制作牛油蛋糕有三种不一样的做法,你可以参考以下的帖子,http://cforum1.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=2354316&extra=page%3D1&page=2 ,如果你要松软的牛油蛋糕,那你应该选择蛋白蛋黄分开法的牛油蛋糕。。。

至于关于香味的问题,那是看你选用那一种牛油,当然也贵的牛油就越美味。其实当你在制作牛油蛋糕时候,你可以在面糊里加入增味剂如;BUTTER VANILLA, VALLINA ESSENCE, BUTTER MILK等。



牛油蛋糕 (以下牛油蛋糕配方和制作过程采自 - ALEX GOH 的 CREATIVE MAKING OF CAKES)

牛油 200克
幼糖 200克

鸡蛋 5粒 (先稍微弄散)

普通面粉 210克
双性泡打粉 2克

2。慢慢的加入 (B)。
5。将面糊倒入长形烘盘或任何形状的烘盘内,以180°C 烘 50分钟即可。

第二:直接搅拌法 ALL IN METHOD
马芝淋 250克
幼糖 200克
普通面粉 210克
双性泡打粉 4克

鸡蛋 5粒

2。再将(A)搅拌拌均匀,之后慢慢加入(B),搅拌4 - 5 分钟。
3。当面湖拌至鬆发和光滑,再倒入9寸圆形模中。以180°C烘50 - 60分钟或用竹签刺入蛋糕内测试,如不黏即可。

牛油 250克
幼糖 20克

蛋黄 5粒

蛋白 5粒
塔塔粉 2克

普通面粉 210克
发粉 2克





1湯匙 = 15克 = 15毫升 / ML
1茶匙 = 5克 = 5毫升 / ML
1杯 = 225克 = 16湯匙 = 8安士 / OZ

1粒 = 20克

1粒 = 30克

1湯匙 = 15克 = 15毫升 / ML
1茶匙 = 5克 = 5 毫升 / ML
1杯 = 225克 = 16湯匙 = 8安士 / OZ

牛油 / 黃油 BUTTER
1湯匙 = 15克 = 15毫升 / ML
1茶匙 = 5克 = 5毫升 / ML
1杯 = 225克 = 16湯匙 = 8安士/ OZ

1杯 = 185 克

1杯 = 170克

1杯 = 130克

1杯 = 125克

1湯匙 = 13克

1湯匙 = 7克

1湯匙 = 7克

1茶匙 = 3克

1茶匙 = 5克

1茶匙 = 4克

1茶匙 = 5克

1粒 = 50克

1湯匙 = 7克

1湯匙 = 21克
1杯 = 340克

1 TAN = 1000 KG
1公斤 = 1000克 = 2.2磅/ lb
1 磅 = 16 安士 = 454克
1安士 = 28.4克

1升 = 1000 毫升 / ML = 1000克
1升 = 2.11 品脫 / PINT
1升 = 0.26 加侖 / GALLON

1加侖 = 3.785升
1品脫 = 0.47升

1茶匙 = 5克
1湯匙 = 3茶匙 = 15克
1杯 = 16湯匙 = 48茶匙 = 240克
4 湯匙 = 1/4杯
1品脫 = 2杯
1夸特 = 2 品脫
1加侖 = 4夸特 = 8品脫 = 16杯

1公尺 = 100公分 = 3.3臺尺
1英寸 = 2.54公分
1公分 = 0.39 英寸
1英尺 = 0.30 公尺
1碼 = 0.91公分
1公尺 = 1.09碼
1英里 (MILE)= 1.61公里
1公里 = 0.62英里

1杯 高筋麵粉 = 120克
1杯 低筋麵粉 = 107克
1杯 全麥麵粉 = 130克
1杯 幼糖 = 202克
1杯 糖粉 = 130克
1杯 蜜糖 = 341克
1杯 煉乳 = 284克
1杯 鮮奶 = 227克
1杯 蒸發奶水 = 249克
1杯 奶粉 = 114克
1杯 葡萄糖 = 170克
1杯 沙拉油 = 227克
1杯 可可粉 = 107克

1湯匙 鮮奶油 = 15克
1湯匙 奶粉 = 7克
1湯匙 沙拉油 = 15克
1茶匙 酵母 = 3克
1茶匙 塔塔粉 = 3克
1茶匙 肉桂粉 = 2克
1茶匙 玉米粉 = 4克

1粒蛋 = 45 - 50克 ;全蛋 X 5粒 = 1杯
1粒蛋白 = 28 - 30克 ;蛋白 X 8粒 = 1杯
1粒蛋黃 = 15 - 17克 ;蛋黃 X 12粒 = 1杯


2。第二,你应该把蛋糕烘盘放在烘炉附送的STAINLESS STEEL网子上面,而那网子应该搁在最底层的位子,而不是把蛋糕烘盘放在黑色铁盘子。。。






Buttermilk bun

'Soup' dough:
90g strong white flour
65g water
35g salted butter
5g sugar

Main dough:
210g strong white flour
56g cake flour
20g skimmed milk powder
42g castor sugar
1/2 tsp salt
6g instant dried yeast
30g whole egg
85g water
84g 'soup' dough
22g butter

For 'Soup' dough:
1. Put flour in a big bowl.
2. Put the remaining ingredients in a saucepan, heat under a low flame until simmering. Turn off heat and pour into 1. Stir with chopstick quickly.
3. Shape into dough and refrigerate for 24 hours.

For main dough:
1. Put all ingredients except butter in a big bowl (or in breadmaker, selecting dough function) in the order specified, knead into a dough. Add in butter and knead until smooth and elastic. Cover with clingfilm.
2. Prove for about 40 minutes or until dough has increased twice or three times it's original size, see picture 1 below. (I put it in oven and sit it above a baking tray filled with hot water)
3. When ready, punch into the dough to let air escape. Divide into about 60g (9) small balls. Roll into balls and prove for another 10 minutes.
4. Flatten dough and put filling. Roll back into ball. Put on baking tray and prove for another 40 minutes or until it is twice it's original size. See picture 2 below.
5. Bake in 180°C oven for 15 minutes.

70g butter
30g icing sugar
1/8 tsp salt
30g whole egg (about half)
1 tbsp cornflour
80g skimmed milk powder

1. Cream butter, sugar and salt until creamy.
2. Add in egg in batches mixing well each time.
3. Put in cornflour and skimmed milk powder, mix well with rubber spatula.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Butter Milk Bun 奶油包

Sweet Dough:
250g Flour
35g Castor Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
10g Milk Powder*
1tsp Instant Yeast
25g Egg
120g Warm Water*
35g Butter/Margarine
* You can subsitute warm water and milk powder with warm milk
60g Castor Sugar
60g Butter/Margarine
100g Milk Powder
20g Corn Flour
40g Fresh Milk
  1. Mix all the ingredients of the filling together and leave the mixture in the fridge overnight to let it harden so that it is easier to make it into balls.
  2. For the sweet dough, mix flour, sugar, salt, milk powder and yeast well and add in egg and water. Make it into a dough.
  3. Add in butter/margarine. Mix well until the dough is slightly elastic.
  4. Cover it with a glad wrap in a bowl and leave it in a warm place for about 40 mins or until the dough has doubled the size.
  5. Divide the dough into 8 portions and make them into balls. Rest for 10 mins
  6. Wrap in the filling. Put them on a greased pan/with non sticked baking paper at the bottom.
  7. Cover and rest for another 45 mins
  8. Brush egg on top of the bun and ready to bake.
Oven: Preheat 160 degrees, bake---->>25mins
The 1st go!!
Just perfect but a little filling burst-out-incident happened. Else, the taste is just great

For the 2nd time~~(after a week)
Damn it!
Burst-out-incident is more severe this time!!! Not a single one survived! So disappointed with this after all the hard work...DOH!
But I told myself, practice makes perfect!!
p/s: I realised that the bun will become harder when it cools down which is different from what we get in the bakery shop. I have not figured out the reason. Perhaps, it's just because I didnt use any bread improver which I prefer to do so~~

Buttermilk Buns

What you need:
Soup dough:
90g strong white flour
65mL water
40g salted butter
5g sugar

Main dough:
210g strong white flour
60g cake flour (I substituted with 40g plain flour, and 20g cornflour)
20g skimmed milk powder
40g caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
6g instant dried yeast
1 small egg, lightly beaten (about 40g without shell)
85mL water
85g "soup dough"
25g unsalted butter

70g unsalted butter
30g icing sugar
Pinch of salt
1 small egg, lightly beaten (about 40g without shell)
1 tablespoon cornflour
80g skimmed milk powder

What you do:
Soup dough:
  1. Put flour in a big bowl.
  2. Put the remaining ingredients in a saucepan. Heat gently until simmering. Turn off heat and pour into the flour.
  3. Quickly stir to mix and shape into dough. Cover with clingfilm and leave to refrigerate until cool (it says 24 hours, but I gave it about 2 hours)
Main dough:
  1. Put all ingredients except butter in a big bowl in the order specified. Add in butter, and knead on a floured surface until smooth and elastic - about 5-10 minutes. Place the dough back into the bowl and cover with clingfilm.
  2. Allow to rise for about 40-60 minutes in a warm place or until dough has increased to 2-3 times its original size. (As with the original recipe, I placed the bowl in a SWITCHED OFF oven above a baking tray filled with hot water).
  3. When ready, gently knock-back the dough to release the air. Divide into 9 portions. Roll into balls, place on a non-stick baking tray and prove for another 10 minutes.
  4. Flatten the dough and put in filling. Roll back into a ball. (See below) Place on the baking sheet and allow to rise for another 40 minutes, or until it is twice its original size.
  5. Bake in a preheated 180 C oven for 15 minutes.
  1. Cream butter, sugar and salt until creamy.
  2. Add egg in batches, mixing well each time.
  3. Stir in cornflour and skimmed milk powder, mixing until well-combined.

This is only my second attempt at making bread, after last time's rather unsuccessful baked jam doughnuts. Of course, I was a bit worried, especially since this recipe was slightly more complicated than the jam doughnuts, which only needed one rising. This recipe, on the other hand, needed THREE risings. Which makes this a pretty long recipe, really.

But it was soooooo worth it! The resulting bread was soft and fluffy and tasty - unlike the tough, tasteless dough of the jam doughnuts. Either its because of the use of strong white flour instead of plain flour... or maybe because of the second "soup" dough? I don't know enough about bread, so I wouldn't know. (I glean most of the tips from reading/watching Yakitate!! Japan, a Japanese comic about making bread. Really funny! A recommended read, ahahaha.) But yeah, the bread was really tender, and I didn't even knead it all that properly (I think). It rose very nicely as well. The unbaked dough was very soft, although a bit wet from the hot water, hehe.

But, the main point of this, of course, was the filling. I actually made a few mistakes there. I didn't cream the butter and sugar properly, making it a bit lumpy. I used SALTED butter, and should've cancelled out the extra salt, which I didn't. I think I used a bit too much egg. But but but! The result was still good! Not excellent, but good! The buttermilk filling was a touch too salty and gooey, but I could definitely taste the buttermilk taste, hehe. In the picture above, it looks very wet, but it dries and firms up as the bun cools. Hadi, of course, really really liked it.

This particular recipe was definitely a success, I must say. Not as good as the ones you can buy from the shops (yet) but when you're in a place where you can't find buttermilk buns... hehe, this is definitely a good enough substitute. So... Yay~ :D

Quote of the day: The smell of good bread baking, like the sound of lightly flowing water, is indescribable in its evocation of innocence and delight.

Strawberry Yogurt Cake

Sponge Cake:
5 eggs
150 sugar

100gm flour
25gm cornstarch
1/2 tsp baking powder
50ml milk + 1 tsp vanilla extract

50gm butter, melted

Beat eggs and sugar over hot water until mixture is thick, and pale for about 5 mins on high until Ribbon stage. The bubbles should be very very fine. Sift flour, cornstarch and baking powder together. Fold in flour mixture in 3 additions, alternating with milk.
Lastly, put some batter into the melted butter, and combine. Put the buttered batter back into the main batter and fold to combine. Pour batter into a 8 or 9 inch round pan (bottom lined). Bake in a preheated oven of 170/180C for 30-35 minutes. Overturn cake for 2 mins after removal from oven and turn it upright again. Loosen sides from pan and remove from pan for total cooling. Slice cake into 2 layers and freeze until it's time to add filling.

Filling:500gm good strawberry yogurt
100gm whipped topping cream (coolwhip, or any other non dairy topping. If it's in unwhipped conditions, whip it until soft peaks)
1 1/2 Tbsp gelatine + 60 ml water (soak for 1 minute and microwave at High for 30 secs. Make sure gelatine has dissolved. If not give it another 10-15 secs on high. Leave aside to cool.)

Mix yogurt with whipped topping cream. Put in dissolved gelatine and mix to combine. Prepare a 9inch cake ring and line it with either cling wrap/ alu foil or plastic cake seperator linings. Remove cake from freezer. Put 1 slice of the cake into the ring. Put half the filling onto the slice of the cake in ring, level the filling and top with another slice. Pour the other half of filling onto the cake. Chill for 3 hours or until gelatine is set. Decorate with some cream rosettes and fresh strawberries.

Resepi Kek Strawberry Shortcake- Japanese-style

[atau Japanese Strawberry Shortcake]
8" atau 9 "loyang bulat ketinggian 3"
Kek sponge diadaptasi dan dimodified dari Table for 2..or more:http://wendyinkk.blogspot.com/2009/08/strawberry-yogurt-cake.html

Kek strawberry shortcake - Japanese-style

Bahan kek sponge (atau boleh guna resepi sponge cake lain)

Kek yang dah dipotong

5 biji telur Gred A - ku guna 4 biji
150g gula kastor/gula halus - ku guna 120g

100g tepung kek@tepung superfine - ku guna 80g tepung superfine
25g tepung jagung - ku guna 20g
1/2st baking powder - ku guna 1/4st
50ml@50g susu segar + 1st esen vanila - ku guna 40ml air + 1/2sb susu tepung + 1/2st esen vanila

50g butter, dicairkan - ku guna 40g

300g-500g fresh cream@non-dairy whipping cream, dikocok hingga kental
250g buah strawberry segar
Coklat untuk celup strawberry (optional)


1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 170C.

2. Lengser dan alaskan dasar serta keliling loyang kek 8 atau 9" (ku guna 8") dengan baking paper. Ketepikan.

3. Pukul telur dan gula dalam bekas tahan panas dengan mixer elektrik pada max speed secara double-boiler. Pukul hingga adunan naik 2-3x ganda, berwarna putih-kuning pucat dan pada ribbon stage selama 6 minit. (NB: ku hanya didihkan periuk kecil berisi air sampai menggelegak, angkat dan letakkan periuk dekat dengan tempat mixer. Lepas tu ambil bekas tahan panas berisi telur + gula, letak atas periuk tersebut dan pukul hingga adunan jadi gebu).

4. Ayak tepung kek, tepung jagung dan baking powder dalam satu bekas.

5. Kaup balikkan campuran tepung sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adunan telur, berseling-selikan dengan susu segar. Mulakan dengan campuran tepung dan akhiri juga dengan campuran tepung. (Contoh: tepung-susu segar-tepung-susu segar-tepung).

6. Ambil sedikit adunan, campurkan ke dalam butter yang dicairkan tadi. Gaul rata dan masukkan adunan ini ke dalam adunan asal. Kaup balik hingga rata (ku guna mixer speed paling slow sekali, malas nak guna spatula).

7. Tuangkan adunan ke dalam loyang kek dan bakar 170C, 30-35 minit atau hingga lidi dicucuk kering dan atas kek sedikit keperangan.

8. Keluarkan dari oven dan terbalikkan loyang atas redai. Keluarkan loyang dan biarkan kek sejuk pada suhu bilik.

9. Potong kek kepada 3 layer (nak lagi senang simpan kek dalam peti sejuk sejam dua sebelum dipotong).

10. Atas layer kek pertama, sapu fresh cream dan hiaskan dengan hirisan strawberry secara rawak. Tutup dengan layer kek kedua.

11. Ulang dengan menyalut lapisan ke-2 kek dengan fresh cream dan hirisan strawberry.

12. Akhiri dengan lapisan kek ke-3 dan salut keseluruhan kek dengan baki fresh cream. Susun hirisan buah strawberry di keliling kek dan di atas kek (kalau nak buat macam dalam gambar, salut kek dengan fresh cream dahulu, kemudian hiris nipis-nipis strawberry. Lepas tu 'lekat'kan hirisan strawberry pada kaki kek tersebut).

13. Sejukkan sebelum dipotong dan dihidangkan.

VERDICT: Kek sponge sesangat lembut, lembab dan gebu ("Macam kat hotel!" sampuk En. Hubby, haha) dan tak berapa manis jadi kombinasi dengan fresh cream yang manis serta strawberry yang masam-manis memang sesuai. Ahaks~

NB: Kalau nak tahu kenapa guna kaedah double-boiler untuk pukul telur, sebenarnya telur lebih mudah kembang bila dipukul cara begini. Sebelum ni pernah buat kek sponge, bahan-bahan dan cara lebih kurang sama macam kat atas, cuma tak guna double-boiler. Memang berbeza sangat bila buat cara double-boiler, lagi-lagi kalau guna oven otang/tangkring ku yang temperamental ni. Huhu..

***Ada geng My Resipi@Facebook dah pernah try kek ni untuk sambutan Hari Guru. Feedback yang memberangsangkan dari pihak guru, katanya rasa sangat unik dan different dari kek-kek yang lain. Ahaks~

Sobameshi [Secret Of Non-Stick]

Soba Meshi

Sobameshi (そば飯 ), literally means noodles-rice, is pan fried noodles together with steamed rice. It is a common Japanese home-cooked dish.

Soba Meshi

Ingredients (makes 2 servings):
1 cup yellow noodles
1 cup steamed rice (leftover will be good)
¼ cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped lettuce
½ cup grated carrot
¼ cup tuna flakes (canned tuna)
1 no. large egg
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste
Black pepper

Furikake (optional)
Nori flakes

  1. Heat oil in pan/wok, add in chopped onion and cook until onion is translucent.
  2. Add in egg, stir to break the egg and cook until the egg is almost set.
  3. Add in noodles and rice, stir to mix and use spatula to cut noodles into small pieces.
  4. Add in carrot, soy sauce and tuna flakes together with the liquid. Stir fry for about 2 minutes (longer if using rice straight from the fridge).
  5. Add in salt and pepper to taste, and lettuce. Stir to mix.
  6. Turn the heat off and transfer to serving plates. Garnish with nori flakes and tomato, serve warm.
    Cook's note:
    If using leftover fried noodles, add in step (4).

Just follow these simple steps, you can use much lesser amount of oil in cooking your favourite Chinese stir-fried dishes. As you can see in the photo, my sobameshi was not greasy and non-sticking to wok at all.

  1. Heat up pan/wok with medium heat until it is really hot before adding in oil.
  2. Then, add in small amount of oil and swirl the pan/wok to coat. You should be able to see some smoke as it reaches smoke point.
  3. You can also use a paper towel to grease the pan/wok, make sure the heat is turned to low when you are doing so. After greasing, turn the heat up again until it reaches smoke point.
  4. Turn the heat down, add in the rest of oil as stated in recipe and start cooking as normal.

Siew Bao - 烧包

Siew Bao
Siew Bao
Ingredients (makes 12 pcs):
  • Dough A:
  • 120g all-purpose flour
  • 60g shortening
  • Dough B:
  • 120g all-purpose flour, sifted
  • 30g icing sugar
  • 30g shortening
  • 60ml water

Fillings (same as for char siew bao):
  • A
  • 250g char siew, diced
  • ½ tbsp cooking oil
  • 1 tsp sugar*
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce*
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce*
  • 1 tsp. sesame oil
  • 1-2 drops red food colouring (optional)
  • B
  • 150 ml water
  • 1½ tbsp corn flour
  • Salt to taste
*Some store-bought char siew comes with sauce, use it for preparing filling. Omit sugar, oyster sauce and soy sauce.
  • Eggwash:
  • 1 egg yolk
  • ½ tbsp milk

  1. Fillings: Heat oil in pan, sauté onion for 1 to 2 minutes. Add in all other ingredients A, stir fry for 1 minutes.
  2. Mix together water with corn flour, add mixture into the pan and stir well. Simmer until gravy is thickened.
  3. Transfer to plate and allow to cool. Divide filling into 16 portions if desired, set aside for later use.
  4. Dough: Prepare dough A and B separately using the same method. Bring together all ingredients for each dough, mix well and knead to form soft dough.
  5. Cover and let them stand for 30 minutes. Then divide and shape each dough into 12 equal portion balls.
  6. Wrap dough B around dough A. Roll it out into 15 x 3 cm (approx.) rectangle with a rolling pin, then roll up from the short end, repeat this step again.
  7. Roll it out into 10 to 12cm diameter circle and place the filling at the center. Pleat and pinch to seal.
  8. Place bun on a 5 cm square parchment paper, pleat size up. Egg wash and sprinkle some sesame seeds on the top if desired.
  9. Preheat oven to 180 degree C and bake buns for 20 minutes till golden brown.
Siew Bao
If you have difficulties in pleating them, you can make them into pillow shape. I brought those to a mahjong gathering and friends loved it!