牛油饼干 Butter Cookies

牛油 : 250g

细砂糖 : 100g
(castor sugar)

蛋黄 : 1粒
(egg yolk)

Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

普通面粉 : 350g (混合过筛)
(plain flour)

蛋黄粉 : 30g
(custard powder)

1. 把牛油, 细砂糖, 放入搅拌钢内, 先用低速度打均,
Cream butter and castor sugar till light and fluffy
2. 加入蛋黄, Vanilla oil打均匀
Add egg yolk and vanilla oil, mix well
3. 用低速度慢慢加入粉料拌成粉团
Fold in the sifted flour (plain flour&custard powder)
and mix into a soft dough
4. 取一些粉团, 用手搓成圆形, 再稍为压扁, 并用叉按压成纹路
在饼面上晒一些糖, 放在已摸上油的烤盘上
Form into ball, use a fork to make designs on top, sprinkle some sugar
5. 放入已预热的烤箱内, 180°C烘约20min至金黄色,取出,待冷
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for about 20 mins till golden brown,
Remove , leave to cool before storing.