斑蘭椰香戚風蛋糕 (Chiffon Cake with Pandan and coconut flavor)

[Prep 準備: 45 minutes | Cook 烹調: 40 minutes | For 份量: 8 Inches | Calories 熱量:N/A (Estimated/ 估計) ]
材料 Ingredients
Group A
1- 低筋或中筋麵粉1量杯 (1 cup of cake or all purpose flour)
2- 發粉1茶匙 (1 tsp of Baking powder)
3- 梳打粉1/8茶, 非必要 ( 1/8 tsp of baking soda, optional)
4- 鹽1/8茶匙 (1/8 tsp of salt)
Group B
5- 大蛋黃5隻 (5 large egg yolks)
6- 糖1/4量杯 (1/4 cup of sugar)

Group C
7- 椰奶2湯匙 (2 tbsp of coconut milk)
8- 椰絲2湯匙 (2 tbsp of shredded coconut flake)
9- 新鮮斑蘭汁1/3量杯 (1/3 cup of fresh pandan leave juice)
10- 菜油1/4量杯 (1/4 cup of vegetable oil)
Group D
10- 大蛋白5隻 (5 large egg white)
11- 他他粉1/4 茶匙, 非必要 (1/4 tsp of cream of tartar)
糖1/2量杯 (1/2 cup of sugar)
做法 Stepshttp://tonykarenkitchen.com/
1- 先將Group A材料過篩三次備用, 然後將Group B材料放入器皿中, 用打蛋器, 用中快速, 將蛋黃打至忌廉狀及淡黃色, 再加入Group C材料, 用打蛋器, 用中快速和蛋黃攪至完全混合, 備用
2- 焗爐用350度華氏(180度攝氏)預熱, 將Group D 材料的蛋白放入另一個空的器皿中, 加入他他粉, 用電動打蛋器, 用中快速, 將蛋白打至很多細微的泡沫時, 加入一半Group D 材料中的糖, 再將蛋白打至忌廉狀時加入餘下的糖, 將打蛋器轉高速, 打至蛋白企身

3- 將
Group A材料分兩次和Group B 的蛋糊混合至無粒, 再用膠刮將Group D 的蛋白分三次加入蛋糊中至完全混合, 再將蛋糕料放入戚風蛋糕模中, 放入焗爐焗35分鐘, 焗好取出後, 倒轉戚風蛋糕放至完全涼透, 才可脫模享用
1- Sieve 3 times all the Group A ingredients and put it aside. Put all the Group B ingredients in a container. Beat it with electric mixer in medium to high speed until creamy and light. Stir in the Group C ingredients. Mix all ingredients well with the mixer. Put it aside .
2- Pre-heat the oven with 350F (180C). Put egg white of the Group D ingredient in a container. Add in the cream of tartar. Beat the egg white with electric mixer in medium high speed until foamy. Add half of the sugar (from Group D ingredient). Continue beat the egg white until creamy. Add the rest of the sugar. Increase the speed of electric mixer to high speed. Continue to beat the egg white until stiff peak.

3- Sift half of Group A mixture into Group B mixture. Mix it well until the mixture is blended. Add the remaining Group A mixture into Group B mixture and mix it well. Add 1/3 at a time the egg white with spatula into the cake mixture. Fold gently and mix it well. Pour the cake mixture into the Chiffon cake mole. Put it into oven and bake for 35 minutes. Remove the cake from the oven. Turn the mole upside down until completely cool down. Remove the cake from the mole and serve.

貼士 Tips
1- 蛋黃要到變淺黃色才可加其他材料混合

2- 打蛋白時, 要確保器皿和工具都沒有沾濕, 否則會打不起的, 要知道蛋白是否企身, 最好打完後將蛋白傾斜看看, 如果蛋白沒有移動, 就是打好了
3- 最重要, 還是將蛋白摺入
蛋糊中, 太大力就會令蛋白軟化, 令蛋糕升不起, 亦不能攪太耐否則蛋白會開始出水及軟化, 這個步驟一定要多加練習, 非一言一語可以講得出個中細節的

1- Make sure the egg yolk is light and creamy before adding other ingredients

2- Before beat the egg white, make sure all the tools and container are dry. Otherwise, the egg white may not able to foam. To ensure the egg white is stiff peak, shake the container contains with the egg white. If the egg white is firm and immovable, it is stiff peak.

3- Folding the egg white into the cake mixture is an important step. Fold it too much or too aggressive, the egg white may dissolve. It will make the cake unable to rise during baking.