


  1. 在250g水中,加入高筋面粉50g, 搅拌均匀。

  2. 放到瓦斯卢上加热, 需不断搅拌, 防锅底烧焦。

  3. 面糊加热至65度离火(面糊在搅拌时, 会有纹路出现的状态)。

  4. 在面糊表面贴上一层保鲜膜, 降温后使用或放入冰箱隔天取出使用。*多出的汤种可以收入冰箱内,保存数天。

A: 210克高筋面粉,60克普通面粉, 20克奶粉,30克细糖,1/4小匙盐,6克即溶酵母

B: 60克全蛋,80克水,75克汤种

C: 25克无盐奶油

内馅(1):2个水煮蛋,切成小块,1大匙美奶滋,适量黑胡椒 (把3材料拌匀备用),3片培根(煎香切成长条备用)



  1. 把A和B的材料倒入搅拌盆中, 使用搅拌器先慢速搅拌。

  2. 搅拌均匀后, 转成中速继续搅拌。

  3. 搅拌成团及有筋性时,才加入C, 用慢速搅拌, 再转中速。搅拌至可拉开薄膜的阶段。

  4. 取出面团,放入已经抹油的大碗中, 让它发酵成双倍大。

  5. 把面团取出,排气,将面团分成10份,每份约58克,滚圆, 松弛10分钟。

  6. 把面团擀成圆形,包入辣虾米干,捏紧收口,进行最后发酵。共做4个。

  7. 另外6个,杆成橄榄型, 再搓长越30cm, 再整成花型,进行最后发酵。

  8. 发酵完毕, 刷上蛋液, 放上鸡蛋再撒上培根。

  9. 放入预热180‘C的烤箱, 烤12-15分钟。

Tangzhong (Water Roux) :50g bread flour, 250g water

Method: Mix together and cook over low heat, stirring all the time until 65C. The mixture should be starchy and be able to draw lines in the water roux batter. Remove from heat and cool down at room temperature or store in fridge for latter used.

A: 210g bread flour, 60g plain flour, 20g milk powder, 30g castor sugar, 1/4tsp salt, 6g yeast

B: 60g egg, 80g water, 75g tangzhong

C: 25g unsalted butter

Filling 1 : 4tbsp spicy dried prawns

Filling 2: 2 hard boil eggs, 1tbsp mayonnaise, black pepper to taste (mix all n set aside), 3pcs of bacon, slightly pan fried and cut into strips.

Method :

  1. Mix A and B together in a mixing bowl to form a dough.

  2. Add in C and continue mixing at medium speed until the dough is smooth, elastic and can stretch the dough into thin sheet ( window pane test).

  3. Transfer the bread dough into an oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let it prove until double in size.

  4. Divide dough into 10 portions of 57g each. Roll each small portion into a smooth ball and rest for 10mins.

  5. Flatten 4 small balls and wrap with a tbsp of spicy dried prawns. Seal the dough to form a ball. Set aside to proof for another 40 mins.

  6. Flatten the dough and roll out dough into long rope. Braid rope to form a flower shape. Repeat until the 6 doughs are finished. Rest to proof for 40mins.

  7. egg wash the surface for all the bread.

  8. Add a tbsp of egg mixture into each flower dough and top with bacon.

  9. Bake breads in preheated oen at 180C for 12- 15mins or until golden brown.