鸡 : 1只 约 1½kg
调味料 marinade
盐 : 1tsp
酱清 : 2tbsp
(light soya sauce)
Brandy : 1tbsp
柠檬汁 : 1tbsp
(lemon juice)
蜜糖 : 1-2 tbsp
混合香料 : 1tsp
(mixed herbs)
黑胡椒粉 : 1tsp
(ground black pepper)
方法: Method
1. 把鸡洗净加入调味料, 淹约1-2小时, 然后把鸡放在烤盘内
Chicken with marinade and season 1-2 hours
2. 烤箱用200°C预热10分钟
Preheat oven to 200°C
3. 把鸡送进烤盘内烤约30分钟至金黄色
Line a baking tray with a aluminium foil and arrange chicken onto the tray, Grill for 30min or until cooked. Serve