脆皮燒腩仔 (Roasted pork belly in Chinese style)

.: 材料 Ingredients :. http://tonykarenkitchen.com/
1- 無骨五花腩650克 (Pork belly, 650g)
2- 沙薑粉2湯匙 (Sand ginger powder, 2 tbsp)
3- 白醋3湯匙 (White Vinegar, 3 tbsp)
2- 沙薑粉2湯匙 (Sand ginger powder, 2 tbsp)
3- 白醋3湯匙 (White Vinegar, 3 tbsp)
.: 醃料 Seasoning :. http://tonykarenkitchen.com/
1- 紹興酒2茶匙, 非必要 (Chinese cooking wine, 2 tsp, optional)2- 糖1茶匙 (Sugar, 1 tsp)
3- 凍水1公升 (Cold water, 1 liter)
4- 鹽2湯匙 (Salt, 2 tbsp)
5- 生抽1/2茶匙 (Light soy sauce, 1/2 tsp)
6- 五香粉1湯匙 (Five spices powder, 1 tbsp)
7- 雞粉1/2茶匙, 非必要 (Chicken powder, 1/2 tsp, optional)
.: 做法 Steps :. http://tonykarenkitchen.com/
![]() 1- 易潔鑊用大火落3湯匙水煲滾, 將豬肉(皮向鑊面)放入, 將豬皮煮30秒, 盛起抹乾, 再用豬插類工具, 於豬皮上不斷插, 直至皮上滿布密密麻麻的小孔, 然後再將白醋平均塗在豬皮上 Heat the pan with 3 tbsp of water over high heat. Put the pork into the pan (skin face to the pan) and blanch the skin for 30 seconds. Dry the pork well. Use a meat tenderizer type of tool. Poke the pig skin until it is full of small holes. Coat the pig skin with a thin layer of vinegar. | ![]() 2- 將醃料攪勻備用, 豬肉先放入器皿內, 慢慢注入醃料至蓋過豬肉及皮下2-3cm左右位置(切勿接觸都皮附近), 放入雪櫃雪4小時或過夜, 焗前出抹乾, 再於肉部份平均塗上沙薑粉
Mix all the seasoning together. Arrange the pork in a container. Add in the seasoning slowly until it covers the meat and reach about 2-3 cm below the pig skin (don't let the seasoning reach the skin area). Keep it in the fridge for 4 hours or overnight. Remove the pig from the seasoning and dry it out. Coat it with the sand ginger powder
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光波爐做法 - 豬肉放入光波爐 (皮向上), 用攝氏200度, 焗35分鐘(如果肉厚, 就要焗40-45分鐘不等), 取出待10分鐘, 切件即成
Using Halogen Oven:
Put the pork in the oven (skin face up). Bake it with 200 Celsius for 35 minutes (if the pork is thick, bake it for 40-45 minutes). Take it out from the oven and let it rest for 10 minutes. Dice it and serve it in hot. |
焗爐做法- 用攝氏200到預熱, 將豬肉放入焗爐(皮向上)開上火, 先焗30分鐘, 轉下火(或皮上蓋上錫箔紙), 再焗多15分鐘 (如果厚的話, 就焗多20分鐘), 取出待10分鐘, 切件即成
Using regular oven:
Preheat the oven with 200 Celsius. Put the pork in the oven (skin face up). Bake it for 30 minutes with the top heating element. Then bake it for another 15 minutes with bottom heat element (if not selectable, cover the pork with an aluminium paper). Take it out from the oven and let it rest for 10 minutes. Dice it and serve it in hot. |
1- 豬皮略略灼過會皮收緊, 令皮容易插入
2- 沒有豬插的話, 可以用叉或其他類似的工具, 但比較難做, 豬皮的小孔要多而密, 但不需要插得太深 3- 豬皮必須於雪櫃中風乾焗時才會香脆, 用醋也是這個原因
4- 豬肉浸過, 會令肉汁更多, 肉會更軟滑
1- Pig skin will be firm after blanched for 30 seconds. It will easier to poke the pig skin.
2- It is prefer to use the meat tenderizer to poke the pig skin. The holes on the pig skin must be dense.
3- Let the pig skin to dry so that it will be crispy after cooked. Using vinegar is serving the same purpose.
4- Brine the meat so that it will be juicy and tender