Butter Prawns ( 奶油 虾 )

Medium size prawns ( i got 12 prawns here), shells intact, trimmed and cut off the top part of the head
2 sprigs of curry leaves
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp of chicken powder
3 egg yolks, stir mix with a fork
1/2 block of butter ( around 110gm)
oil for frying the prawns

1. Shallow fry or deep fry the prawns till they turn pink and cooked. Remove and set aside.
2. Make the egg floss. On medium fire, melt the butter in the wok and pour in the egg yolks. Switch to high heat , quickly use a ladle to swirl the egg yolks in one direction. After a few seconds, you will see the mixture becomes foamy , keep stirring until you can see the egg floss ( it's not easy to see though ) turns crispy lookalike, stir for another 10 seconds.
3. Remove from heat and strain through a siever. Press the egg floss against the siever to get rid of the oil. Set aside.
4. Wash your wok and pour some oil back into the wok and fry the curry leaves . Return the prawns to the wok and add in sugar and chicken powder, sir to mix and add in half of the egg floss and give them a toss.
5. Remove to a serving plate . Garnish with the remaining egg floss.

虾子 比拇指大一点的size,大约20只
蛋白 1个
木薯粉 适量
planta 2大匙
蛋黄 1个
咖喱叶 随意


  1. 虾子去肠子,沥干水,无需拨虾壳。倒入蛋白,拌匀。
  2. 烧热适量炸油,将虾子沾满木薯粉后下锅炸至金黄色,捞起沥干油。
  3. 热锅,放入planta溶化后倒入蛋黄,不停搅拌,慢火炒至起许多泡泡后放入咖喱叶,糖及盐,炒香后倒入虾子。
  4. 炒至均匀后即可上碟。