Indian Pastry Pancake 印度煎饼 Roti Canai

- 面粉(筛过)1公斤
- 水16盎司(2杯)
- 酥油(ghee)80克
- 盐2-3小匙
- 香草精华1小匙

1. 把水、糖和盐混合在一起,加入酥油搅均匀。
2. 把混合液体倒入面粉中,然後搓揉面团至平滑坚硬,搁置一旁约20分钟。
3. 将面团抹上一层酥油然後形成大约50克的球状。
4. 把所有形成球状的面团放进一个大碗,盖住然後搁置一旁约四个小时或以上。
5. 以中热度烧热平底锅,将面团球放在涂有油脂的桌面上,用手将酢噢球压扁,并且将面团往外压薄,最后进行旋转式的抛掷面团动作直至面团变得薄如纸一样。
6. 接着将面团从四面往内折成四方形再放到烧热平底锅内煎至双面呈金黄色。
7. 以同样做法完成所有面团球。用双手轻拍面团球使煎饼松软。
8. 配以肉类咖哩或洒上白糖即可进食。

Indian Pastry Pancake - Indian in origin, this rich and flaky pastry pancake has now come to be known as a favorite Malaysian 'appetizer' in Malaysian eateries all over the globe. Roti Canai [also called Roti Prata] is served with a side of curry for dipping, usually a Malaysian Chicken Curry.

- 10 oz plain flour
- Salt to taste
- ½ cup ghee [clarified butter]
- ½ cup water

FYI : In Malaysia roti canai is served 24 hours for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a favorite midnight snack. Around the world, roti canai is a popular appetizer on menus in Malaysian restaurants. It can be served with:
- Malaysia Chicken Curry
- Chicken Kapitan
- Mutton Kurma
- Lamb Cashew Korma


To Prepare :
- Sieve flour and salt into a mixing bowl
- Mix in the ghee, add water gradually, knead until the dough is a smooth, medium consistency
- Let dough rest for 2 to 3 hrs to soften
- Take a portion of dough, shape into a ball, oil the work top with ghee and work each ball into a very thin sheet - first flatten with your oiled palms, then thin it further by pulling the edges [professionals do it by flipping the dough in the air in a circular motion like a pizza maker does]
- Sprinkle the dough sheet with 1 tsp of ghee and fold in edges forming it into a square then sprinkle a little flour and roll out slightly
- Alternatively, you can thin out the sheet, oil and roll it up - coil it up like a sea shell, flatten, oil again and repeat the flattening 1 or 2 more times
- Preheat griddle or pan, grease well with ghee; when hot, put one roti dough on, cook for 2-3 mins till golden brown. Lift Roti with a spatula, grease the griddle with a tsp of ghee, cook the other side
- Serve hot with Malaysian Chicken Curry or your favorite curry!