cintan快熟面 3包
红萝卜 1/2条,切粗丝
香肠 2条,切片
鸡蛋 2粒
辣椒仔 2条,切片
蒜米 2瓣,切片
快熟面粉料 1包
蚝油 1大匙
酱油 1小匙
黑酱油 1大匙
清水 半碗
- 先把快熟面用热水浸软,弄散后过冷水,备用。
- 鸡蛋打散再炒香,备用。
- 热油,爆香蒜米片,再加入辣椒和鸡蛋一起炒香。
- 跟着加入香肠片炒一炒,再倒入红萝卜丝炒软。
- 然后把面条加入炒均,再把调味料倒入炒至收汁即可。
Indian Pastry Pancake 印度煎饼 Roti Canai
- 面粉(筛过)1公斤
- 水16盎司(2杯)
- 酥油(ghee)80克
- 盐2-3小匙
- 香草精华1小匙
1. 把水、糖和盐混合在一起,加入酥油搅均匀。
2. 把混合液体倒入面粉中,然後搓揉面团至平滑坚硬,搁置一旁约20分钟。
3. 将面团抹上一层酥油然後形成大约50克的球状。
4. 把所有形成球状的面团放进一个大碗,盖住然後搁置一旁约四个小时或以上。
5. 以中热度烧热平底锅,将面团球放在涂有油脂的桌面上,用手将酢噢球压扁,并且将面团往外压薄,最后进行旋转式的抛掷面团动作直至面团变得薄如纸一样。
6. 接着将面团从四面往内折成四方形再放到烧热平底锅内煎至双面呈金黄色。
7. 以同样做法完成所有面团球。用双手轻拍面团球使煎饼松软。
8. 配以肉类咖哩或洒上白糖即可进食。
Indian Pastry Pancake - Indian in origin, this rich and flaky pastry pancake has now come to be known as a favorite Malaysian 'appetizer' in Malaysian eateries all over the globe. Roti Canai [also called Roti Prata] is served with a side of curry for dipping, usually a Malaysian Chicken Curry.
- 10 oz plain flour
- Salt to taste
- ½ cup ghee [clarified butter]
- ½ cup water
FYI : In Malaysia roti canai is served 24 hours for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a favorite midnight snack. Around the world, roti canai is a popular appetizer on menus in Malaysian restaurants. It can be served with:
- Malaysia Chicken Curry
- Chicken Kapitan
- Mutton Kurma
- Lamb Cashew Korma
To Prepare :
- Sieve flour and salt into a mixing bowl
- Mix in the ghee, add water gradually, knead until the dough is a smooth, medium consistency
- Let dough rest for 2 to 3 hrs to soften
- Take a portion of dough, shape into a ball, oil the work top with ghee and work each ball into a very thin sheet - first flatten with your oiled palms, then thin it further by pulling the edges [professionals do it by flipping the dough in the air in a circular motion like a pizza maker does]
- Sprinkle the dough sheet with 1 tsp of ghee and fold in edges forming it into a square then sprinkle a little flour and roll out slightly
- Alternatively, you can thin out the sheet, oil and roll it up - coil it up like a sea shell, flatten, oil again and repeat the flattening 1 or 2 more times
- Preheat griddle or pan, grease well with ghee; when hot, put one roti dough on, cook for 2-3 mins till golden brown. Lift Roti with a spatula, grease the griddle with a tsp of ghee, cook the other side
- Serve hot with Malaysian Chicken Curry or your favorite curry!
- 面粉(筛过)1公斤
- 水16盎司(2杯)
- 酥油(ghee)80克
- 盐2-3小匙
- 香草精华1小匙
1. 把水、糖和盐混合在一起,加入酥油搅均匀。
2. 把混合液体倒入面粉中,然後搓揉面团至平滑坚硬,搁置一旁约20分钟。
3. 将面团抹上一层酥油然後形成大约50克的球状。
4. 把所有形成球状的面团放进一个大碗,盖住然後搁置一旁约四个小时或以上。
5. 以中热度烧热平底锅,将面团球放在涂有油脂的桌面上,用手将酢噢球压扁,并且将面团往外压薄,最后进行旋转式的抛掷面团动作直至面团变得薄如纸一样。
6. 接着将面团从四面往内折成四方形再放到烧热平底锅内煎至双面呈金黄色。
7. 以同样做法完成所有面团球。用双手轻拍面团球使煎饼松软。
8. 配以肉类咖哩或洒上白糖即可进食。
Indian Pastry Pancake - Indian in origin, this rich and flaky pastry pancake has now come to be known as a favorite Malaysian 'appetizer' in Malaysian eateries all over the globe. Roti Canai [also called Roti Prata] is served with a side of curry for dipping, usually a Malaysian Chicken Curry.
- 10 oz plain flour
- Salt to taste
- ½ cup ghee [clarified butter]
- ½ cup water
FYI : In Malaysia roti canai is served 24 hours for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a favorite midnight snack. Around the world, roti canai is a popular appetizer on menus in Malaysian restaurants. It can be served with:
- Malaysia Chicken Curry
- Chicken Kapitan
- Mutton Kurma
- Lamb Cashew Korma
To Prepare :
- Sieve flour and salt into a mixing bowl
- Mix in the ghee, add water gradually, knead until the dough is a smooth, medium consistency
- Let dough rest for 2 to 3 hrs to soften
- Take a portion of dough, shape into a ball, oil the work top with ghee and work each ball into a very thin sheet - first flatten with your oiled palms, then thin it further by pulling the edges [professionals do it by flipping the dough in the air in a circular motion like a pizza maker does]
- Sprinkle the dough sheet with 1 tsp of ghee and fold in edges forming it into a square then sprinkle a little flour and roll out slightly
- Alternatively, you can thin out the sheet, oil and roll it up - coil it up like a sea shell, flatten, oil again and repeat the flattening 1 or 2 more times
- Preheat griddle or pan, grease well with ghee; when hot, put one roti dough on, cook for 2-3 mins till golden brown. Lift Roti with a spatula, grease the griddle with a tsp of ghee, cook the other side
- Serve hot with Malaysian Chicken Curry or your favorite curry!
Steamed Pomfret Teochew Style 潮州蒸鱼
- 1 大匙油
- 1/2 大匙蒜茸
- 2 朵冬菇,浸软,切丝
- 1 大匙姜丝
- 50g 猪肉丝
- 1 块豆腐,切4块
- 1 粒蕃茄,切4瓣
- 100g 碱菜,洗净,切丝
- l 条红辣椒,切丝
- 2 粒水酸梅
- 1/2 小匙盐
- 1 大匙生抽
- 2 小匙糖
- 8 大匙水
- 1/2 大匙鱼露
- 1 大匙绍兴酒
- 少许胡椒粉和鸡晶粉
- 1 条鱼,约800g
- 1 棵青葱,切成3cm长
- 1 tbsp oil
- 1/2 tbsp chopped garlic
- 1 tbsp shredded ginger
- 50g shredded pork
- 2 black mush rooms
- soaked and shredded
- 1 piece bean curd, cut into 4 cubes
- 1 tomato, cut into 4 wedges
- 100g preserved green mustard, cleaned and shredded
- 1 red chilli, shredded
- 2 preserved wet plums
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp light soya sauce
- 1/2 tbsp fish sauce
- 8 tbsp water
- 1 tbsp shaoxing wine
- 2 tsp sugar
- dash of pepper and chicken stock granules
- 1 fish, about 800g
- 1 stalk spring onion,cut into 3cm length
1.Heat up 1 tbsp oil and saute chopped garlic until fragrant.Add in shredded ginger,pork,mushroom and stir well.Add in the remaining ingredients,seasoning and bring to boil.Dish up.
2.Clean and cut three slits 0n the fish. Arrange on a steaming tray,pour over with(1)mixture and spring onion.
3.Steam at high heat for 8 minutes or until cooked.Remove and serve hot.
You may use pomfret, garoupa fish, siakap or kurau fish to steam in Teowchew style.
- 1 大匙油
- 1/2 大匙蒜茸
- 2 朵冬菇,浸软,切丝
- 1 大匙姜丝
- 50g 猪肉丝
- 1 块豆腐,切4块
- 1 粒蕃茄,切4瓣
- 100g 碱菜,洗净,切丝
- l 条红辣椒,切丝
- 2 粒水酸梅
- 1/2 小匙盐
- 1 大匙生抽
- 2 小匙糖
- 8 大匙水
- 1/2 大匙鱼露
- 1 大匙绍兴酒
- 少许胡椒粉和鸡晶粉
- 1 条鱼,约800g
- 1 棵青葱,切成3cm长
- 1 tbsp oil
- 1/2 tbsp chopped garlic
- 1 tbsp shredded ginger
- 50g shredded pork
- 2 black mush rooms
- soaked and shredded
- 1 piece bean curd, cut into 4 cubes
- 1 tomato, cut into 4 wedges
- 100g preserved green mustard, cleaned and shredded
- 1 red chilli, shredded
- 2 preserved wet plums
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp light soya sauce
- 1/2 tbsp fish sauce
- 8 tbsp water
- 1 tbsp shaoxing wine
- 2 tsp sugar
- dash of pepper and chicken stock granules
- 1 fish, about 800g
- 1 stalk spring onion,cut into 3cm length
1.Heat up 1 tbsp oil and saute chopped garlic until fragrant.Add in shredded ginger,pork,mushroom and stir well.Add in the remaining ingredients,seasoning and bring to boil.Dish up.
2.Clean and cut three slits 0n the fish. Arrange on a steaming tray,pour over with(1)mixture and spring onion.
3.Steam at high heat for 8 minutes or until cooked.Remove and serve hot.
You may use pomfret, garoupa fish, siakap or kurau fish to steam in Teowchew style.
Clay Pot Rice 砂煲饭
This one-pot rice meal has a smoky exotic aroma, best baked with a sweet Chinese sausage called Lap Cheong. The crispy part of the rice at the bottom of the clay pot is savored. Clay Pot Rice can now be found with a variety of meats or seafood, from beef to ostrich. Many restaurants also have clay pot 'dishes' on their menus - Clay pot Mee [noodles],
Clay pot Tofu [soy bean cake], Clay pot Fish, Clay pot Soup etc. Food cooked in clay pots are not only flavorful, but retain the most nutrition as well.
- 3 boneless chicken thighs, cut into bite-size
- 1 Lap Cheong [Chinese sausage], cut into thick slices diagonally [Substitute: sweet sausage, or 1 additional boneless chicken thigh]
- 1 tbsp dark soy sauce
- 1 tbsp ginger, minced
- ½ tbsp sugar
- ½ sesame oil
- ½ cornstarch
- ½ cup scallions, sliced and 2 extra stalks for garnish, chopped
- 3 cups long grain rice, washed until water is clear then drained
- 6-7 cups chicken stock1 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp peanut oil
- salt and pepper
Cook's Note : Traditionally, Clay Pot Rice is a one pot rice meal as in this recipe; rice is baked with simple and economical ingredients. The crispy part of the rice at the bottom of the clay pot is what is savored most. Clay Pot Rice is nowadays made with a variety of meats and seafood; more exotic ingredients are used - from ostrich & venison to sea cucumber & lobster..........
To Prepare :
1. In a bowl combine chicken and lap cheong with dark soy sauce, ginger, sugar, sesame oil, cornstarch and scallions
2. Marinate refrigerated for at least 30 mins
3. In a clay pot [no preheating] add peanut oil, rice and salt - gradually bring to high heat, sauté the rice until the rice becomes quite translucent
4. Add chicken stock, up to 1½ inch above the level of the rice and season with salt and pepper
5. Gradually bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer until the stock has evaporated to the rice level [tiny 'holes' form on rice]
6. Add the marinated chicken and sausage, stir well into the rice, cover the clay pot
7. Carefully transfer the covered [and hot!] clay pot into a preheated 350F degree oven
8. Bake for 12-15 min
9. Carefully open the cover of the clay pot, give it a good stir, cover again, turn heat to high [500F degrees] bake for only 1 min
10. Immediately reduce heat to very low [180F degrees] and cook for an additional 10 min
11. Turn heat off, carefully remove from oven and let it rest for 5 min
12. Garnish with chopped scallions, and if preferred, serve with a side of hot chili sauce!
FYI : Many restaurants feature clay pot 'dishes' on their menus - Claypot Mee [noodles], Claypot Tofu [soy bean cake], Claypot Fish, Claypot Soup. Clay-pot dishes are the Oriental version of the American casserole. The main difference is that they are cooked on top of the stove rather than in the oven. Food cooked in a clay pot has maximum flavor, enormous nutritional value and is visually appetizing - the dish can go straight from the oven to the dinner table. The design of the clay-pot assures good retention of heat and keeps food hot much longer.
- 3 boneless chicken thighs, cut into bite-size
- 1 Lap Cheong [Chinese sausage], cut into thick slices diagonally [Substitute: sweet sausage, or 1 additional boneless chicken thigh]
- 1 tbsp dark soy sauce
- 1 tbsp ginger, minced
- ½ tbsp sugar
- ½ sesame oil
- ½ cornstarch
- ½ cup scallions, sliced and 2 extra stalks for garnish, chopped
- 3 cups long grain rice, washed until water is clear then drained
- 6-7 cups chicken stock1 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp peanut oil
- salt and pepper
Cook's Note : Traditionally, Clay Pot Rice is a one pot rice meal as in this recipe; rice is baked with simple and economical ingredients. The crispy part of the rice at the bottom of the clay pot is what is savored most. Clay Pot Rice is nowadays made with a variety of meats and seafood; more exotic ingredients are used - from ostrich & venison to sea cucumber & lobster..........
To Prepare :
1. In a bowl combine chicken and lap cheong with dark soy sauce, ginger, sugar, sesame oil, cornstarch and scallions
2. Marinate refrigerated for at least 30 mins
3. In a clay pot [no preheating] add peanut oil, rice and salt - gradually bring to high heat, sauté the rice until the rice becomes quite translucent
4. Add chicken stock, up to 1½ inch above the level of the rice and season with salt and pepper
5. Gradually bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer until the stock has evaporated to the rice level [tiny 'holes' form on rice]
6. Add the marinated chicken and sausage, stir well into the rice, cover the clay pot
7. Carefully transfer the covered [and hot!] clay pot into a preheated 350F degree oven
8. Bake for 12-15 min
9. Carefully open the cover of the clay pot, give it a good stir, cover again, turn heat to high [500F degrees] bake for only 1 min
10. Immediately reduce heat to very low [180F degrees] and cook for an additional 10 min
11. Turn heat off, carefully remove from oven and let it rest for 5 min
12. Garnish with chopped scallions, and if preferred, serve with a side of hot chili sauce!
FYI : Many restaurants feature clay pot 'dishes' on their menus - Claypot Mee [noodles], Claypot Tofu [soy bean cake], Claypot Fish, Claypot Soup. Clay-pot dishes are the Oriental version of the American casserole. The main difference is that they are cooked on top of the stove rather than in the oven. Food cooked in a clay pot has maximum flavor, enormous nutritional value and is visually appetizing - the dish can go straight from the oven to the dinner table. The design of the clay-pot assures good retention of heat and keeps food hot much longer.
Malaysian Chicken Curry 马来西亚咖哩鸡
It is a typical chicken curry cooked in almost all Malaysian homes. This basic recipe uses a Made in Malaysia. It has just the right blend of spices for an authentic 'Malaysian-tasting' curry! Some ingredients vary - Indian homes might cook with ghee [clarified butter], add whole spices like star anise, cinnamon stick, cloves, mustard seeds or fresh curry leaves.
- 2½-3 lb whole chicken, cut into serving size pieces
- 5 tbsp Malaysian meat curry powder
- 1-2 tbsp or to taste, chili powder
- ½ cup cooking oil
- 1 can coconut milk, combined with 2 cups water
- 2 potatoes, cut into 1½ inch pieces
- salt
- 2 large onions, sliced
- 8 cloves of garlic
- 1½ inch fresh ginger, sliced
Cook's Note : This is a typical Malaysian chicken curry cooked at home. The meat curry powder used in the recipe has just the right blend of spices for an authentic 'Malaysian-tasting' Chicken Curry.
Each ethnic kitchen, however, has it's own variation. Additional ingredients may be added - whole spices of star anise, cloves or cinnamon stick, serai [lemongrass], fresh red or green chili peppers, buah keras [candlenut], tomatoes, lengkuas [galangal], kunyit [turmeric root], assam jawa [tamarind paste], fresh curry leaves, yoghurt or dried shrimp paste: belacan
To Prepare :
1. Using a mortar & pestle or blender, grind onion, garlic and ginger into a paste
2. In a small bowl, combine meat curry powder and chili powder, add a few tbsp of water and mix into a thick paste
3. In a wok or pot, heat oil on high, add ground paste, stir-fry until quite translucent
4. Add curry paste, reduce heat to low, stir-fry until quite toasted and oil starts to ooze from paste - do not burn!
5. Add chicken, bring heat up to med-high, stir to coat chicken well with curry paste
6. Add coconut milk, season with salt, stir well
7. Gradually bring to a boil, then reduce heat to med, simmer covered 20-25 mins, stir occasionally
8. Add potatoes, simmer uncovered, 10-15 mins until potatoes are cooked and chicken is tender
9. Turn off heat, skim off excess oil on surface
10. Serve with bread, Roti Canai, Roti Jala or steamed rice
Variation : Substitute with beef, pork, lamb, mutton, turkey or goat. Venison shanks are excellent for curry!
- 2½-3 lb whole chicken, cut into serving size pieces
- 5 tbsp Malaysian meat curry powder
- 1-2 tbsp or to taste, chili powder
- ½ cup cooking oil
- 1 can coconut milk, combined with 2 cups water
- 2 potatoes, cut into 1½ inch pieces
- salt
- 2 large onions, sliced
- 8 cloves of garlic
- 1½ inch fresh ginger, sliced
Cook's Note : This is a typical Malaysian chicken curry cooked at home. The meat curry powder used in the recipe has just the right blend of spices for an authentic 'Malaysian-tasting' Chicken Curry.
Each ethnic kitchen, however, has it's own variation. Additional ingredients may be added - whole spices of star anise, cloves or cinnamon stick, serai [lemongrass], fresh red or green chili peppers, buah keras [candlenut], tomatoes, lengkuas [galangal], kunyit [turmeric root], assam jawa [tamarind paste], fresh curry leaves, yoghurt or dried shrimp paste: belacan
To Prepare :
1. Using a mortar & pestle or blender, grind onion, garlic and ginger into a paste
2. In a small bowl, combine meat curry powder and chili powder, add a few tbsp of water and mix into a thick paste
3. In a wok or pot, heat oil on high, add ground paste, stir-fry until quite translucent
4. Add curry paste, reduce heat to low, stir-fry until quite toasted and oil starts to ooze from paste - do not burn!
5. Add chicken, bring heat up to med-high, stir to coat chicken well with curry paste
6. Add coconut milk, season with salt, stir well
7. Gradually bring to a boil, then reduce heat to med, simmer covered 20-25 mins, stir occasionally
8. Add potatoes, simmer uncovered, 10-15 mins until potatoes are cooked and chicken is tender
9. Turn off heat, skim off excess oil on surface
10. Serve with bread, Roti Canai, Roti Jala or steamed rice
Variation : Substitute with beef, pork, lamb, mutton, turkey or goat. Venison shanks are excellent for curry!
Malay Spiced Coconut Beef 任当羊肉 Beef Rendang
Malay Spiced Coconut Beef - This hot, dry spiced dish of tenderly simmered meat offers the typical Malaysian taste of coconut, balanced with robust, tangy spices. Rendang is a must-have on special occasions such as weddings,
ideally served with nasi kunyit [turmeric rice]. During Ramadan & Eid, the Malay New Year, Rendang is sure to take center stage on bountiful tables of feast in homes everywhere. During this festive season, a special rice cake called Lemang is made to eat with Rendang. Lemang is made from glutinous rice and santan [coconut milk], carefully packed into bamboo poles lined with banana leaves and cooked in the traditionally way over low open fires.
- 1½ lb beef cut into 1½ to 2-inch chunks [tougher cuts of beef is suitable]
- 4 cups thick coconut milk
- 1 cup fresh coconut [meat], finely grated [Substitute: unsweetened desiccated coconut]
- 2 stalks lemongrass, slightly crushed [cut to fit in the wok or pan]
- 2-3 turmeric leaves [daun kunyit], [Substitute: kaffir lime leaves; or the zest of 1 lime]
- 3 tbsp vegetable oil
- 2 tsp sugar
- salt and pepper
- 4-5 tbsp chili paste
- 1½-inch fresh ginger, peeled, sliced
- 1-inch galangal [lengkuas in Malay], peeled, sliced
- 1½ inch fresh turmeric root [kunyit basah in Malay], peeled, sliced
- 2 tsp coarse salt
To Prepare :
1. Season beef with salt and pepper, marinate for at least 30 mins
2. Using a mortar & pestle or blender grind galangal, ginger, turmeric root, chili paste and kosher salt into a spice paste
3. In a dry heated pan, toast the finely grated coconut [meat] over low heat, keep stirring until golden brown. Allow to cool, then using a mortar & pestle, pound into a paste [called kerisik in Malay]
4. Heat wok on high, stir-fry spice paste 2-3 mins, add coconut milk, reduce heat and slowly bring to a gentle boil; stir often
5. Add beef and slow boil for 10 mins
6. Add lemongrass stalk, turmeric leaves [or kaffir lime leaves; or lime zest], sugar and season with salt and pepper
7. Reduce heat to low, uncovered, simmer for 1-1½ hrs; stir often with a spatula [be sure to 'scrape' the bottom of wok], add a little water if it starts to dry up too quickly]
8. Add the toasted coconut paste [kerisik] during the last 30 mins of cooking
9. When the beef is very tender - the gravy, thickens and oil starts to float on top - remove from heat and discard the lemongrass stalks and turmeric leaves
10. Serve Beef Rendang with steamed rice, Nasi Lemak [Coconut Rice] or Lontong, a Malay Rice Roll
- 1½ lb beef cut into 1½ to 2-inch chunks [tougher cuts of beef is suitable]
- 4 cups thick coconut milk
- 1 cup fresh coconut [meat], finely grated [Substitute: unsweetened desiccated coconut]
- 2 stalks lemongrass, slightly crushed [cut to fit in the wok or pan]
- 2-3 turmeric leaves [daun kunyit], [Substitute: kaffir lime leaves; or the zest of 1 lime]
- 3 tbsp vegetable oil
- 2 tsp sugar
- salt and pepper
- 4-5 tbsp chili paste
- 1½-inch fresh ginger, peeled, sliced
- 1-inch galangal [lengkuas in Malay], peeled, sliced
- 1½ inch fresh turmeric root [kunyit basah in Malay], peeled, sliced
- 2 tsp coarse salt
To Prepare :
1. Season beef with salt and pepper, marinate for at least 30 mins
2. Using a mortar & pestle or blender grind galangal, ginger, turmeric root, chili paste and kosher salt into a spice paste
3. In a dry heated pan, toast the finely grated coconut [meat] over low heat, keep stirring until golden brown. Allow to cool, then using a mortar & pestle, pound into a paste [called kerisik in Malay]
4. Heat wok on high, stir-fry spice paste 2-3 mins, add coconut milk, reduce heat and slowly bring to a gentle boil; stir often
5. Add beef and slow boil for 10 mins
6. Add lemongrass stalk, turmeric leaves [or kaffir lime leaves; or lime zest], sugar and season with salt and pepper
7. Reduce heat to low, uncovered, simmer for 1-1½ hrs; stir often with a spatula [be sure to 'scrape' the bottom of wok], add a little water if it starts to dry up too quickly]
8. Add the toasted coconut paste [kerisik] during the last 30 mins of cooking
9. When the beef is very tender - the gravy, thickens and oil starts to float on top - remove from heat and discard the lemongrass stalks and turmeric leaves
10. Serve Beef Rendang with steamed rice, Nasi Lemak [Coconut Rice] or Lontong, a Malay Rice Roll
Stir-Fried Kangkung in Sambal Belacan 马来风光
- 2 大匙油
- 1粒洋葱,切丝
- 1条红辣椒,切丝
- 500g 蕹菜
- 2 大匙马来栈三巴
- 1 小匙生抽
- 1 小匙糖
- 100g 虾米,浸软,剁碎
- 100g 红辣椒,打烂
- 100g辣椒糊
- 100g葱头仔,剁碎
- 50g蒜米,剁碎
- 1cm马来栈
- 1小匙盐
- 1/2大匙生抽
- 1小匙鸡晶粉
1. 虾米放进干镬里炒香,盛起。另将马来栈炒成香及粉状,盛起。
2. 烧热油爆香蒜米和葱头仔茸,加入红辣椒和辣椒糊炒香,再加入马来栈、虾米和调味料拌炒至香即可。
- 2 tbsp oil
- 1 onion, shredded
- 1 red chilli, shredded
- 500g kangkung
- 2 tbsp belacan sambal
- 1 tsp light soya sauce,
- 1 tsp sugar
1. Heat up oil, saute onion until fragrant. Add in sambal belacan and stir-fry until aromatic.
2. Add in red chilli, kangkung and stir-fry at high heat until well-mixed. Dish up.
Sambal Belacan:
- 100g dried prawns, soaked, chopped
- 100g red chillies, ground
- 100g chilli boh,
- 50g garlic, chopped
- 100g shallots, chopped,
- 1 cm belacan
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tbsp light soya sauce
- 1 tsp chicken stock granules
1. Heat up wok (without oil ) and stir-fry dried prawns until fragrant,dish up. Then, stir-fry belacan until aromatic and form into powder. Dish up.
2. Heat up oil, saute chopped garlic and shallots until fragrant. Add in red chilli, chilli boh and stir-fry until fragrant. Lastly, add in belacan powder, dried prawns, seasoning and fry until aromatic. Dish up.
- 2 大匙油
- 1粒洋葱,切丝
- 1条红辣椒,切丝
- 500g 蕹菜
- 2 大匙马来栈三巴
- 1 小匙生抽
- 1 小匙糖
- 100g 虾米,浸软,剁碎
- 100g 红辣椒,打烂
- 100g辣椒糊
- 100g葱头仔,剁碎
- 50g蒜米,剁碎
- 1cm马来栈
- 1小匙盐
- 1/2大匙生抽
- 1小匙鸡晶粉
1. 虾米放进干镬里炒香,盛起。另将马来栈炒成香及粉状,盛起。
2. 烧热油爆香蒜米和葱头仔茸,加入红辣椒和辣椒糊炒香,再加入马来栈、虾米和调味料拌炒至香即可。
- 2 tbsp oil
- 1 onion, shredded
- 1 red chilli, shredded
- 500g kangkung
- 2 tbsp belacan sambal
- 1 tsp light soya sauce,
- 1 tsp sugar
1. Heat up oil, saute onion until fragrant. Add in sambal belacan and stir-fry until aromatic.
2. Add in red chilli, kangkung and stir-fry at high heat until well-mixed. Dish up.
Sambal Belacan:
- 100g dried prawns, soaked, chopped
- 100g red chillies, ground
- 100g chilli boh,
- 50g garlic, chopped
- 100g shallots, chopped,
- 1 cm belacan
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tbsp light soya sauce
- 1 tsp chicken stock granules
1. Heat up wok (without oil ) and stir-fry dried prawns until fragrant,dish up. Then, stir-fry belacan until aromatic and form into powder. Dish up.
2. Heat up oil, saute chopped garlic and shallots until fragrant. Add in red chilli, chilli boh and stir-fry until fragrant. Lastly, add in belacan powder, dried prawns, seasoning and fry until aromatic. Dish up.
Portuguese Style Fish and Potato 葡式糖醋鱼
- 5 大匙番茄酱
- 3 大匙辣椒酱
- 3 大匙酸梅酱
- 2 大匙糖
- 1 大匙柠檬汁
- 1 小匙盐
- 5 tbsp tomato sauce
- 3 tbsp chilli sauce
- 3 tbsp plum sauce
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp salt
Mix all ingredients and bring to boil.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- 1 条鱼,约50g
- 1 粒马铃薯,煮软,切块
- 2 条红辣椒,切块
- 1 粒洋葱,切块
- 1 条红萝卜,切块
- 1 粒番茄,切块
- 1 棵芫茜
- 5 大匙咕噜肉酱
- 200 ml 水
1. 鱼洗净抹干水份.沾上粟粉放进热油中炸至金黄色。捞起沥干油份。
2. 烧热l大匙油,炒香红辣椒和洋葱.加入咕噜肉酱.马铃暮、红萝卜、番茄和芫茜炒香。
3. 加入鱼和水煮滚焖至汁浓便可享用。
- 1 fish,about 500g
- 1 potato cooked until soft and cubed
- 2 red chillie,diced
- 1 onion diced
- 1 carrot, cubed
- 1 tomato, cut into wedges
- 1 stalk coriander leaves
- 5 tbsp Ku Lou Sauce
- 200 ml water
1. Clean the fish and wide until dry. Coat with corn flour and deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown. Dish and drain.
2. Heat up l tbsp oil saute chillies and onion until fragrant. Add in Ku Lou Sauce, potato, carrot,tomato,coriander leaves and stir well.
3.Add in fish, water and cook until the gravy is thick. Dish up and serve.
1. Sweet and Sour Fish:Rub a little salt and pepper onto the fish, coat with beaten egg and corn flour, deep-fry until crispy and dish up. Bring Ku Lou Sauce to boil and pour over fish.
2. Sweet and Sour Chicken: Saute sliced big onion, add chicken meat,tomato and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour in Ku Lou Sauce and water cook until sauce is thick and chicken is tender.
Storage time:1 month(in the fridge)
- 5 大匙番茄酱
- 3 大匙辣椒酱
- 3 大匙酸梅酱
- 2 大匙糖
- 1 大匙柠檬汁
- 1 小匙盐
- 5 tbsp tomato sauce
- 3 tbsp chilli sauce
- 3 tbsp plum sauce
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp salt
Mix all ingredients and bring to boil.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- 1 条鱼,约50g
- 1 粒马铃薯,煮软,切块
- 2 条红辣椒,切块
- 1 粒洋葱,切块
- 1 条红萝卜,切块
- 1 粒番茄,切块
- 1 棵芫茜
- 5 大匙咕噜肉酱
- 200 ml 水
1. 鱼洗净抹干水份.沾上粟粉放进热油中炸至金黄色。捞起沥干油份。
2. 烧热l大匙油,炒香红辣椒和洋葱.加入咕噜肉酱.马铃暮、红萝卜、番茄和芫茜炒香。
3. 加入鱼和水煮滚焖至汁浓便可享用。
- 1 fish,about 500g
- 1 potato cooked until soft and cubed
- 2 red chillie,diced
- 1 onion diced
- 1 carrot, cubed
- 1 tomato, cut into wedges
- 1 stalk coriander leaves
- 5 tbsp Ku Lou Sauce
- 200 ml water
1. Clean the fish and wide until dry. Coat with corn flour and deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown. Dish and drain.
2. Heat up l tbsp oil saute chillies and onion until fragrant. Add in Ku Lou Sauce, potato, carrot,tomato,coriander leaves and stir well.
3.Add in fish, water and cook until the gravy is thick. Dish up and serve.
1. Sweet and Sour Fish:Rub a little salt and pepper onto the fish, coat with beaten egg and corn flour, deep-fry until crispy and dish up. Bring Ku Lou Sauce to boil and pour over fish.
2. Sweet and Sour Chicken: Saute sliced big onion, add chicken meat,tomato and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour in Ku Lou Sauce and water cook until sauce is thick and chicken is tender.
Storage time:1 month(in the fridge)
Black Pepper Crabs 黑椒蟹
- 1 kg 螃蟹
- 2 大匙油
- 1 大匙蒜茸
- 1 粒洋葱,切碎
- 1 大匙青葱粒
- 150 ml 水
- 1 大匙黑胡椒碎
- 1 大匙生抽
- 1 大匙蚝油
- 1 小匙糖
- 2 大匙绍兴酒
Black Pepper Crabs
- 1 kg crabs
- 2 tbsp oil
- 1 tbsp chopped garlic
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 tbsp chopped spring onion
- 150 ml water
- 1 tbsp ground black pepper
- 1 tbsp light soya sauce
- 1 tbsp oyster sauce
- 1 tsp sugar
- 2 tbsp shaoxing wine
1.Clean the crabs.Coat with corn flour and deep-fry in hot oil until cooked.Dish and drain.
2.Heat up 2 tbsp oil,saute chopped garlic and onion until fragrant.Add in seasoning and stir well.
3.Add in crabs.chopped spring onion,water and stir-fry at high heat until dry.Dish up and serve.
- 1 kg 螃蟹
- 2 大匙油
- 1 大匙蒜茸
- 1 粒洋葱,切碎
- 1 大匙青葱粒
- 150 ml 水
- 1 大匙黑胡椒碎
- 1 大匙生抽
- 1 大匙蚝油
- 1 小匙糖
- 2 大匙绍兴酒
Black Pepper Crabs
- 1 kg crabs
- 2 tbsp oil
- 1 tbsp chopped garlic
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 tbsp chopped spring onion
- 150 ml water
- 1 tbsp ground black pepper
- 1 tbsp light soya sauce
- 1 tbsp oyster sauce
- 1 tsp sugar
- 2 tbsp shaoxing wine
1.Clean the crabs.Coat with corn flour and deep-fry in hot oil until cooked.Dish and drain.
2.Heat up 2 tbsp oil,saute chopped garlic and onion until fragrant.Add in seasoning and stir well.
3.Add in crabs.chopped spring onion,water and stir-fry at high heat until dry.Dish up and serve.
Fu Yong Omellete 芙蓉蛋
- 4 粒鸡蛋
- 2 大匙叉烧丝
- 50 g虾仁
- 1 大匙红萝卜丝
- 1 粒洋葱丝
- 1 大匙青葱丝
- 1 大匙红辣椒丝
- 3 大匙油
- 1 小匙盐
- 1 大匙生抽
- 少许胡椒粉和鸡晶粉
- 4 eggs
- 2 tbsp shredded char-xiu
- 50g shelled prawns
- 1 tbsp shredded carrot
- 1 onion,shredded
- 1 tbsp shredded spring onion
- 1 tbsp shredded red chilli
- 3 tbsp oil
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp light soya sauce
- Dash 0f pepper and chicken stock granules
1.Combine all ingredients.seasoning in a mixing bowl and mix well.
2.Heat up 0il,pour in mixture and pan-fry at low heat until set.Turn it over and continue to fry until golden brown.Dish up and serve.
- 4 粒鸡蛋
- 2 大匙叉烧丝
- 50 g虾仁
- 1 大匙红萝卜丝
- 1 粒洋葱丝
- 1 大匙青葱丝
- 1 大匙红辣椒丝
- 3 大匙油
- 1 小匙盐
- 1 大匙生抽
- 少许胡椒粉和鸡晶粉
- 4 eggs
- 2 tbsp shredded char-xiu
- 50g shelled prawns
- 1 tbsp shredded carrot
- 1 onion,shredded
- 1 tbsp shredded spring onion
- 1 tbsp shredded red chilli
- 3 tbsp oil
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp light soya sauce
- Dash 0f pepper and chicken stock granules
1.Combine all ingredients.seasoning in a mixing bowl and mix well.
2.Heat up 0il,pour in mixture and pan-fry at low heat until set.Turn it over and continue to fry until golden brown.Dish up and serve.
Deep-Fried Special Seafood Ben Curd 招牌豆腐
- 2块水豆腐
- 2条蛋豆腐
- 150g鱼胶
- 1粒鸡蛋
- 2大匙炸香鱿鱼干碎
- 1大匙芫茜碎
- 2大匙红萝卜碎
- l小匙盐
- 1/2小匙胡椒粉
- 少许鸡晶粉
- 适量粟粉
- 适量炸油
- 泰式辣椒酱和美奶滋
- 2 pieces soft bean curd
- 2 pieces egg bean curd
- 150g fish paste
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp fried crispy
- dried squids,chopped
- 1 tbsp chopped
- coriander leaves
- 2 tbsp chopped carrot
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- dash of chicken stock granules
- corn flour for coating
- oil for deep-frying
Thai chilli sauce and mayonnaise
1. Mash soft bean curd and egg bean cu rd until fine. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix until well-combined.
2. Pour mixture into a greased 8” square tray and steam at medium heat for 20 minutes until cooked.Remove. Leave to cool before cutting into pieces.
3. Heat up 0il for deep-frying,coat seafood bean curd in corn flour and deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown. Dish and drain. Serve with Thai chilli sauce or mayonnaise.
- 2块水豆腐
- 2条蛋豆腐
- 150g鱼胶
- 1粒鸡蛋
- 2大匙炸香鱿鱼干碎
- 1大匙芫茜碎
- 2大匙红萝卜碎
- l小匙盐
- 1/2小匙胡椒粉
- 少许鸡晶粉
- 适量粟粉
- 适量炸油
- 泰式辣椒酱和美奶滋
- 2 pieces soft bean curd
- 2 pieces egg bean curd
- 150g fish paste
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp fried crispy
- dried squids,chopped
- 1 tbsp chopped
- coriander leaves
- 2 tbsp chopped carrot
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- dash of chicken stock granules
- corn flour for coating
- oil for deep-frying
Thai chilli sauce and mayonnaise
1. Mash soft bean curd and egg bean cu rd until fine. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix until well-combined.
2. Pour mixture into a greased 8” square tray and steam at medium heat for 20 minutes until cooked.Remove. Leave to cool before cutting into pieces.
3. Heat up 0il for deep-frying,coat seafood bean curd in corn flour and deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown. Dish and drain. Serve with Thai chilli sauce or mayonnaise.
Namachocolate (生チョコ)
Namachocolate (生チョコ)
Makes 12 pieces

160g ................................ Dark chocolate, chopped if you use a big chunk
90ml ................................ Whipping cream
10g ................................... Unsalted butter
10g ................................... Glucose syrup
5tbsp ............................... Cocoa powder
Line 2 of small jelly molds (14.5X8.8 cm) with baking paper.
Put the chocolate and butter into a medium bowl.
Pour the whipping cream and glucose syrup into a saucepan, put the saucepan over medium low heat, stir until the glucose melt and the mixture boil lightly.
Pour the whipping cream mixture over the chocolate, stir until smooth.
Pour the batter into the prepared molds, and smooth the top, then refrigerate for 1 hour.
Take the chocolate out of the molds and cut into pieces.
Sift the cocoa powder into a pan and place the chocolate over the cocoa powder, turn the chocolate over to coat them completely with cocoa powder.
Refrigerate until ready to serve, can be kept for 2-3 days (if you can resist it, ^^).
Namachocolate (生チョコ):
For every chocolate lovers (in the world!)
For every chocolate lovers (in the world!)
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