Tiramisu Roll Cake
Recipe ~
Sugar 15g
Veg oil 70g
Milk 80g
Flour 80g
Salt 1/8 t/spoon
Egg yolk 80g
Egg white 165g
Sugar 60g
Lemon juice 7.5cc
Coffee powder 1Table spoon
Hot water ½ Table spoon
(Mix coffee powder and hot water mix well)
Mascarpone cheese 125g
Icing sugar 25g
Kahlua coffee liqueur (Half Tablespoon)
Fresh Cream 125g
(1)Mix milk, oil, sugar,salt,
Sieve flour add to (1) mix well, add egg yolk mix well.
(2) Egg white + sugar + lemon juice , whip to stiff peak.
Add (2) into (1) , mix well.
Take out ½ batter and mix in (3)
Place each batter into pipping bag and pipe onto baking tray.
Oven top heat – 180 , bottom heat – 150
Bake for 18-20 minutes.
Mascarpone cheese beat until fluffy
Whip up cream + sugar then add Kahlua coffee liqueur, mix well
Add in Mascarpone cheese, mix well
Spread (4) onto Roll Cake, and roll.
Recipe ~
Sugar 15g
Veg oil 70g
Milk 80g
Flour 80g
Salt 1/8 t/spoon
Egg yolk 80g
Egg white 165g
Sugar 60g
Lemon juice 7.5cc
Coffee powder 1Table spoon
Hot water ½ Table spoon
(Mix coffee powder and hot water mix well)
Mascarpone cheese 125g
Icing sugar 25g
Kahlua coffee liqueur (Half Tablespoon)
Fresh Cream 125g
(1)Mix milk, oil, sugar,salt,
Sieve flour add to (1) mix well, add egg yolk mix well.
(2) Egg white + sugar + lemon juice , whip to stiff peak.
Add (2) into (1) , mix well.
Take out ½ batter and mix in (3)
Place each batter into pipping bag and pipe onto baking tray.
Oven top heat – 180 , bottom heat – 150
Bake for 18-20 minutes.
Mascarpone cheese beat until fluffy
Whip up cream + sugar then add Kahlua coffee liqueur, mix well
Add in Mascarpone cheese, mix well
Spread (4) onto Roll Cake, and roll.